Manasa Bhajore Guru Charanam: Teachings to treasure, teachings that transform.

In this auspicious year 2015 commemorating the 90th birthday of Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, we offer a compilation of key messages from the over 140 discourses in the month of July, including Guru Poornima Days between the years 1958 and 2009.

We  prepared this compilation of discourses with the helpful contribution from members of the Sri Sathya Sai International Organization Philippines. In this regard, special appreciation to Mr Suresh, Mr Abhinav, Mr Raj Kumar and  Ms Malvika Subramaniam. Members took one or more discourses for the year that had a special meaning to them, such as year of birth, wedding day, school graduation, birth of a child, and so on. 

Where available, we have added the hyperlinks to the full text archived by the Sri Sathya Sai Books and Publication Trust.

Scriptures proclaim Guru as the dispeller of darkness.  Gu kaara andhakaarasthu, Ru kaarasthu thannirodhakruth”

Bhagawan says “The Guru is the Teacher who removes the fundamental ignorance, which hides the knowledge of this truth from us. The Poornima or the Full Moon Day has been fixed for revering him, for the effect of the knowledge is to put an end to scorching agony and to shed cool comfort instead, on the mind of man.”

We hope the compilation will be useful for all spiritual aspirants in their journey to find their true self.

K E  Seetharam

SSIO, Philippines 2015
