1970: Guru God

Teachings to treasure, teachings that transform. In this auspicious year 2015 commemorating the 90th birthday of Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, we offer a compilation of key messages from the over 140 discourses in the month of July, including Guru Poornima Days between the years 1958 and 2009.

1970: Guru God
Do all acts as offerings to God; do not classify some as "my work" and some as "His work." All
work is His; He inspires, He helps, He executes, He enjoys, He is pleased, He reaps, He sowed.
He alone exists, for, all this manifoldness is but He, seen through the mirror of Nature!
Everything is for the attainment of the Supreme to be utilised for that high purpose. Nothing is
to be used as itself, for itself. For Sai Bhakthas, this is the only proper way of life. No
padhaartham (no selfish object); all paraartham (only selfless objectives). And, the objective is
Realising the Reality, that is, the Aathma, God!
The contemplation of death is the very foundation of spiritual discipline. Without it, man is
certain to fall into falsehood, pursuing the objects of sense-pleasure, and trying to accumulate
material, worldly riches. Death is no ominous calamity; it is a step into the auspicious brightness
beyond. It is inescapable; it cannot be bribed away, adjourned by certificates of good conduct, or
testimonials from the great. Once born, death is the inevitable end. But, it is possible to escape
birth and thereby, escape death.
Every word expresses an experience; every experience is the consequence of a desire; every
desire is the progeny of the impact of an object on the senses; the objective world is the
superimposition of diversity on the One; this superimposition is maayaa; maayaa is owned and
acknowledged as ' mine'---' mama, maya'---by the Lord.
This College will pay attention to providing a complete education, namely, Karma maarga,
Dharma maarga and Brahma maarga (path of dedicated action, of righteousness and of
spirituality), all three. Character is the most precious gift of education. I consider gratitude as the chief component; gratitude above all, to the parents, for this gift of life.
Truth will reveal itself when the heart is saturated in Love. Man's nature is fundamentally Truth;
his breath is fundamentally Love; his blood is fundamentally Tolerance. Falsehood, hatred and
faction are characteristics of beastly or demonic natures. They are acquired from society, or
ignorance or greed. Today, man is shaped by the head, rather than the heart. It is cleverness that
is admired, that pays. But, peace and joy emanate from the heart not the head. The heart teaches
compassion, awe, reverence, humility, equanimity, sympathy---qualities that bind men in love,
and turn them towards righteousness and the source and sustenance of the Universe, namely,
You are contemporaries of the Avathaar come to guard and guide; you have the capacity to catch
the message and canalise it into action and activity. Make the utmost of this chance.

Points to Ponder:
What is the foundation of spiritual discipline?
