1975: The company you seek

Teachings to treasure, teachings that transform. In this auspicious year 2015 commemorating the 90th birthday of Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, we offer a compilation of key messages from the over 140 discourses in the month of July, including Guru Poornima Days between the years 1958 and 2009.

1975: The company you seek
The Gaayathri manthra (Vedhic prayer to illuminate the intelligence) is a universal eternal call from the heart of man to the embodiment of Love and Light. It is the very basis of the educational effort in all lands and at all times. But, people have now ignored Saraswathi and Gaayathri; they have installed, Lakshmi, the Goddess of Wealth, in the altar of Education.  

There are four F's that you will have to fix before your attention. (1) Follow the Master, (2) Face the Devil, (3) Fight to the End and (4) Finish at the Goal. Follow the Master means, observe Dharma. Face the Devil means, overcome the temptations that beset you when you try to earn artha (wealth or the wherewithal to live in comfort). Fight to the End means, struggle ceaselessly; wage war against the six enemies that are led by kaama (lust). And, finally, Finish at the Goal means, do not stop until the goal of Moksha (Liberation from ignorance and delusion) Is reached. The F's are fundamental for the pursuit of the four Purushaarthas---Dharma, Artha, Kaama and Moksha.

The easiest and the most fruitful method of keeping yourself free from dust and rust, is the Sathsang (holy company). The company of the good and the godly will slowly and surely chasten and cleanse the persons prone to stray away from the straight path towards Self- Realisation. Care has to be taken to see that you select and stick to the proper company.  So, the Sathsang you join must be purer, more venerable, and sticking to higher ideals of virtue and truth than you yourselves.

Fullness is the quality of the Divine; it is found in part or portion or in half or whole. Quantity is not the criterion; quality is In the visible world that has been taken from the substance of the Divine,  his quality is found equally full. We shall not consider the world as anything less than God.  There are four stages in securing the Grace of the Lord, by this means: (1)Attaching the mind to God: (2) Loving tile Form of God to which the mind has been attached: (3) Installing that Form in the heart and (4) Dedicating all that one has and does to the Form so installed.

The feminine is the foundation on which a peaceful and happy world is to be raised. When women are true and brave, kind and compassionate, virtuous and pious, the world can have an era of peace and joy.   The reason which prompted the establishment of this college is the need for women who as mothers will foster the expansion of love to include fellow beings everywhere. The first step for this expansion is the home, where you must revere and please the parents who gave you this chance to live and learn. Expansion is the keynote of education. You know that when a balloon is blown, it bursts and the air Inside it merges with the vast limitless expanse outside. Your love too must fill your home and your society, and finally, burst even those bonds and become world-wide.

Points Ponder:
What is the company one should seek?
