1962: Inner Prompting
Teachings to treasure, teachings that transform.
In this auspicious year 2015 commemorating the 90th birthday of Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, we offer a compilation of key messages from the over 140 discourses in the month of July, including Guru Poornima Days between the years 1958 and 2009.
1962: Inner Prompting
guru is needed when you have the guri (‘goal’ or ‘aim’ in Telugu). If you do
not have that urge, what can the teacher do? ,Strewing seeds on sand or rock is
a sheer waste of precious stuff. Inner prompting to see the light must send the
aspirant to the teacher or must draw the teacher to wherever the aspirant is.
You must inquire and discriminate: Do objects grant happiness? Is anyone happy?
How can one be happy through the multiplication of desire and the frantic
effort to feed the raging fire? At last, you will, by your own experience,
discover that happiness is an inner gift, a spiritual treasure that can be won
by equanimity.
The moon is the presiding deity of the mind; it must shine cool
and comforting, eternally, in fullness, in the inner firmament of the heart
(hridayakasa). The external material moon waxes and wanes, but the mind should
be trained to stand up against modifications and moods. The internal moon has
no marks on it; it is ever full, it is always full moon for the victorious
spiritual aspirant.
The guru can help you
only to a certain extent, but be grateful to him for that little. He is like a
skilled gardener, who tends the plants and waters them intelligently; cutting
the tree into proper shape, applying the correct manure to supplement the soil
and keep it free from drought and pests. Give the guru the gratitude for all
this service, but reserve seeking refuge for protection for the Lord.
The centre point between the eyebrows on which you are asked to
concentrate is not the point where your eyebrows meet in the centre of your
forehead; it is a point in your inner awareness, the heart (hridaya). Like the
celestial damsels that were sent by Indra to break the penance of sages, you
will be getting nine varieties of music during meditation, but you should not
be elated by that and suspend your meditation.
Points to
· How to meditate?
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