1968: The way of the wise

Teachings to treasure, teachings that transform. In this auspicious year 2015 commemorating the 90th birthday of Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, we offer a compilation of key messages from the over 140 discourses in the month of July, including Guru Poornima Days between the years 1958 and 2009.

1968: The way of the wise

Man is endowed with two special gifts; Viveka (the faculty of reasoning) and vijnaana (the
faculty of analysis and synthesis). Use these gifts for discovering the truth of yourself, which is
the truth of every one else, of everything else. All countries are borne and sustained by this earth;
all are warmed by the same Sun; all 'bodies' are inspired by the same Divine Principle; all are
urged by the same inner motivator. All these goals are attainable through the practice of Love, Love regulated by sathya (truth), dharma (righteousness) and shaanthi (equanimity).

The Gaayathri Hymn of the Vedhas, recited thrice a day by millions, asks for the awakening of
the intelligence so that when it brightens like the Sun at its zenith, the smog of delusion is

Man is Divine: he can purify himself into perfect Divinity by the process of dhyaana
(meditation), taken up with eagerness and followed with faith, by virtuous individuals. As
regards the technique of dhyaana, different teachers and guides have different methods.
Do this every day, without break; for as long as you enjoy it; do this deeply and systematically; a time will certainly come when you can no more relish dark and evil thoughts, no more yearn for dark and sinister books, no more crave for toxic food and drinks, no more handle ugly demeaning things, no more suffer infliction of infamy or injury, no more formulate evil designs. You are then in the realm of the Divine, of Peace beyond words.

Bhaarath has contributed to the world the priceless gem of Truth: "Eesvarah sarvabhuuthaanaam hridhese, Arjuna, thishthathi"---"God is the resident motivator of all beings". Until this fact is realised by the individual, he will be tainted by traces of anger, pride and hate, for he sees others as distinct and different. All men in all countries are pilgrims proceeding along the path to God. The progress of each is decided by the discipline adopted, the character formed, the ideal kept in view, the leadership chosen and the faith implanted. The nations of the West are yearning now for the opportunity to listen to the Message from Me and learn the lesson of Love---for they have lost the secret of peace within.

The mother is the first of the five Maathas (Mothers), that the Indian child encounters: Dhehamaatha (the mother that gave birth to this body); Go-maatha (the cow that gives sustaining
milk); Bhoo-maatha (the land that grows the crops which feed the body); Dhesa-maatha (the
Native country that gives protection, care, love, rights and chances to serve and elevate oneself to one's full height), and Vedha-maatha (the heritage of spiritual treasure that reveals the aim and
purpose of human life and takes one step by step, towards the Goal of Self-realisation).

Points to Ponder:

·       How to meditate?
Who are the five mothers?
