1965: The spring of Joy
Teachings to treasure, teachings that transform. In this auspicious year 2015 commemorating the 90th birthday of Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, we offer a compilation of key messages from the over 140 discourses in the month of July, including Guru Poornima Days between the years 1958 and 2009.
1965: The spring of Joy
Man is a mixture of two strands of the same substance, maaya
Maadhava, moha and Raama,
deha and dehi,
jada and chith, sareeram and sareeri,
jeeva and Brahmam (Divine
illusion and
God, delusion and God, body and soul, inert matter and
consciousness, body and the embodied,
individual soul and the Supreme Soul). Like the two circular
stones of the grinding mill, the
Brahmam one is stable, the Jeeva
is revolving. The stable is the base; the revolving is the
'dependent'. The Guru is the
Teacher who removes the fundamental ignorance, which hides the
knowledge of this truth from us.
The guru is the person who discovers that you have fallen into a
wrong road that leads to further
and further darkness. For, he knows the fight road and he is
full of love for all who strive to
escape the travails of the night, without lamps to light their
If you must bring the power from the power-house to your
residence to illumine your place, you
have to put up poles at regular intervals and connect the house
with the power house with cables.
So too, if you must win the Grace of God, do saadhana
regular timings and connect yourself
with God by the cable of smarana (remembering
the Lord).
There are different types of 'listening'; the clay type: clay
becomes soft when water is added, but, when it evaporates, it is rendered as
hard as formerly. The mind becomes soft when religious discourses are heard.
But, when you move away, the effect is lost. Then there is the crow type:
however much you may teach it to improve its voice and to sing, it does not try
nor can it improve; it caws and caws as raucously as before. There is the
mosquito type' which goes on harassing you at the very moment when you would
much rather have an hour of silence. It cannot be shooed off, it
attacks again and again, taking delight in inflicting harm. Do
not cater to such low desires;
control the listening.
Man cannot afford to forget who he is and for what purpose he
has come. He must know the
answer to the questions' "Kasthwam,
koham, kutha aayaathah?" as Shankara said. "Who are you,
who am I, where am I going, where did I come from, what is the
nature and purpose of all this
movement and change, is there any stable base, any goal or aim,
direction or director?"--these
questions cannot be brushed aside from the mind of man.
Dreams relating to God are real. You see Me in the dream, I
allow you to do Namaskaaam (prostration),
I bless you, I grant Grace...that is true; that is due to My will and your saadhana
practice). If the Lord or your Guru appears in
dream, it must be the result of sankalpa (His
will), not due to any of the other reasons which cause dreams. It can never
happen as result of your wish.
Points to Ponder:
How to win the grace of God?
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