2005: Pray for the Welfare of All

Teachings to treasure, teachings that transform. In this auspicious year 2015 commemorating the 90th birthday of Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, we offer a compilation of key messages from the over 140 discourses in the month of July, including Guru Poornima Days between the years 1958 and 2009.

2005:     Pray for the Welfare of All

The world is full of wonders and mysteries. The law that governs human life and the world at large is beyond the ken of human understanding. The principle of divinity is not visible to the naked eye, but that is what prompts you to perform action and experience the consequences thereof. 

You may wonder if there is a way to escape from the consequences of karma. Yes, it is possible for those who earn the grace of God. Once you become the recipient of God’s grace, you will not be affected by karma phala. Hence, you should strive to earn divine grace. Scholars say, it is impossible to escape karma. What they say is true to a certain extent. But once you earn Divine grace, even if you have to experience the consequences of karma, you will not feel the pain. Take for instance a bottle containing medicine. You find the expiry date mentioned on the bottle. After the expiry date, the medicine will lose its potency. Likewise, God’s grace will make the karma phala ‘expire’, i.e., it nullifi es the effects of karma. Hence, it is possible to escape from the consequences of karma. Man should cultivate necessary strength and will power to deserve divine grace. You will be free from the shackles of karma once you earn divine grace. 

Chant the name of God day in and day out. That alone will protect you at all times. Just as air is allpervasive, God is present in you, with you, around you, below you, above you. Hence, you should be in constant communion with divinity. When you develop faith in divinity, you will naturally have unity. Consequently, there will be no scope for enmity. You need not perform any rituals in order to win the grace of God. It is enough if you do namasmarana (chanting the Divine Name) from the depth of your heart. Hari Bhajana bina sukha santhi nahin… (one cannot attain peace and happiness without singing the glory of God). If you incessantly chant the divine name “Rama”, no harm can ever befall you.

Points to Ponder:     

What should we do to earn divine grace?
