1979: Students are embodiments of unpolluted love

Teachings to treasure, teachings that transform. In this auspicious year 2015 commemorating the 90th birthday of Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, we offer a compilation of key messages from the over 140 discourses in the month of July, including Guru Poornima Days between the years 1958 and 2009.

1979: Students are embodiments of unpolluted love

Maaya is only the Divine Will that inaugurated the manifestation of the cosmos (Ekoham, Bahushyaam---I am one; I will be many). Maaya (apparent deluding reality) inheres in every being and every activity of that being; it has three aspects of achievement through the three modes and moods of that Will---the saathwik, the raajasik and the thaamasik (the calm, contented, equanimous mood; the potent, passionate mood; the inert, slothful, sluggish mood). When maaya prompts us into the saathwik mood of that Will, we become progressive seekers of jnaana (spiritual wisdom) that reveals the Unity. When we are overwhelmed by the raajasik quality of that Will, we are deluded into the pursuit of worldly victories and ephemeral wealth and renown. The thaamasik nature of that Will seeks the quickest and easiest ways of happy living. These are the reflections in our minds of the basic modes of the Will that Brahman assumes when It is moved by the primal urge to express Itself.  

The philosophers of all lands and all times have sought to discover the truth about God, the objective world and man, as well as their mutual relationship. Maaya is the Will that causes all three. It is a clear flawless mirror. When the saathwik nature is reflected in that mirror, God results; when the raajasik nature is reflected, the jeeva (individualised Self) results. It is everanxious to grow, to grab, to survive and to be secure. When thaamasik nature is reflected, matter (the objective world) is the result.

It is foolish to believe that you have to be 'educated,' since it leads to jobs. At present education  is oriented to jobs, to secure a living, not to lead a life. Education must teach a person what life  is, and what. its goal. It must purify the heart and clarify the vision. It must prevent pollution of  the hand, heart and head by habits injurious to the individual, society and the nation. It must  promote virtues and raise the moral and spiritual standards of the educated.  In times gone by, universities were referred to as "homes of humility" since humility was the  characteristic of an educated person. Pride is the root of aggressiveness; it is the nature of wild  animals. But the mark of man is humility in the presence of elders, teachers and parents. There is  an ancient axiom which says, "Education imparts humility; humility ensures credibility;  credibility 'brings wealth; wealth induces charity; charity confers peace and joy, here and  hereafter." Nowadays, all educational institutions emphasise the need for riches. "Become  wealthy through the easiest and quickest methods;" that is the slogan. No effort is spent to  inculcate humility and reverence, for they are won through discipline alone. Without discipline  and self-control man reduces himself to the level of the beast. The stomach is not the central core  of man. 

Points to Ponder:
·       What is maaya ?
What is the true purpose of education?
