1971: The seeds of a university

Teachings to treasure, teachings that transform. In this auspicious year 2015 commemorating the 90th birthday of Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, we offer a compilation of key messages from the over 140 discourses in the month of July, including Guru Poornima Days between the years 1958 and 2009.

1971: The seeds of a university
Women must emerge from this College armed with deep-rooted virtue and firm faith in the
ideals of woman-hood, laid down in our sacred texts. Then only can they, as mothers, mould
their children as bright, beautiful, virtuous, strong citizens of the world. This is the only way out
of the horror in which the world is simmering.
In the word Guru, Gu indicates the darkness of the 1-ness, (the separateness, the illusion of
Many on the basis of the One, of the snake over the rope or garland on the ground in the dusk).
Ru, the second syllable means the removal of the illusion, the illumination that reveals the
Brahman (rope) which put on the snake-cloak and caused fear and anxiety. When the real Guru
reveals, the many merge in the one; when there is but One, how can fear enter? What is there to
desire and acquire?
Seva can instil more intensely than any other activity, the sense of the basic ONE.  There can be no higher thapas (austerity) than this, nothing more rewarding. Seva opens the eyes of man to the comprehensive unity of creation. When you open the lids, you see the world, the stars, the galaxies that are far out in the depths of space. When you close them, the scene disappears; there is only gloom, emptiness.

People retire into solitude and attempt to contact God; but, solitude is best used for discovering
and curing defects of character and conduct. To contact God, one has to open his eyes and serve
brother man. He is the God Incarnate one can worship and adore to his heart's content. The
greatest joy springs from the utmost sacrifice. That is the utmost bhoga (enjoyment), though it is
called thyaaga (sacrifice). It is the utmost fulfilment.

The body is the ball filled with the air of Divinity; it is kicked in play, by six players on one side
(the six foes: Lust, Anger, Greed, Attachment, Pride, and Hate) and six on the other (the six
friends, Truth, Right, Peace, Love, Compassion and Fortitude). The goal-posts are on each side,
and the ball is hit so that it passes through them, the Dharma vidhya (Moral attainment) and
Brahma vidhya (Spiritual attainment). Those who hit it so, can claim victory. Or else, their kick
results in an 'out'! Learn to speak what you feel, act what you speak; do not allow them to be at
cross purposes.

Prema (love) must grow with every moment of saadhana. It must sweeten every word, deed and
thought of yours. Emerge from dhyaana as a person more charged with love! Emerge from
bhajan with a greater measure of love! Return from Nagarasankeerthan with a firmer conviction
that everything is surcharged with the same Divinity that is behind all your activity.

Points to Ponder:
What is the purpose of sadhana?
