1977: One-pointedness

Teachings to treasure, teachings that transform. In this auspicious year 2015 commemorating the 90th birthday of Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, we offer a compilation of key messages from the over 140 discourses in the month of July, including Guru Poornima Days between the years 1958 and 2009.

1977: One-pointedness
EDUCATION must impart those qualities in the individual that will ensure his peace, and thereby, universal peace. It should cleanse the mind of all traces of narrowness and help in fostering unity and love. In those days the sages lived with their pupils in hermitages, in quiet sylvan surroundings on the banks of rivers. Each hermitage was a university with the sage as the Kulapathi (Chancellor). They were proficient in ail the branches of knowledge and eager to give the knowledge over to whoever could receive it and make the best use of it. They succeeded in their mission as a result of their own efficiency, the enthusiasm of their pupils and the sublimity of the environment. It was all so simple and sincere, so fresh and free.

The created universe is called Prakrithi (Nature); prior to the Manifestation, there was darkness; after the Manifestation, there was light. The darkness was the thaamasik (quality of inaction) state, when there was no activity. The light was the raajasik (quality of agitative) state, when with movement and agitation, uplift and downfall alternated. The 'five elements' were then formed, and in time attained comparative quiet. That was the saathwik (quality of serenity) state, when Divinity shone through them. These five elements are perceptible by the five senses; in fact they are the responses to the needs of the senses. The saathwik state is the Divine state, when light is shed on the Truth. This Truth was there even before the creation and the cosmos.

You do not lose much if a finger is so damaged that it needs to be cut off. The body can still function and be a fit instrument. Even if you lose a limb, you can function and benefit with the help of your faculties. But If you lose your character, then everything is lost! You can be worthy of the name 'student' only from the day on which you imprint this thought on your mind. Do not allow laziness, hatred or anger to contaminate your hearts. The world looks forward to your leadership in establishing and ensuring peace; how can this. be realised if you cultivate hatred and anger? Practise calmness and the habit of deliberation. Don't get agitated and yield to mass frenzy, that is a sign of weakness and waywardness.

Vidh means light, and a vidhyaarthi (student) must seek light and gain it. What is the use of an eye that does not reveal to you the pitfalls? Education must endow you with that type, of eye which will reveal in time the pits that yawn in your path. Vidhya must confer humility, selflessness and the ideals of service. The educated man must be ready and skilled to serve his parents, his villages, his state, his nation, his language and his culture.

Points to Ponder:

·       What are qualities of an educated person ?
