1969: House and Home
Teachings to treasure, teachings that transform.
In this auspicious year 2015 commemorating the 90th birthday of Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, we offer a compilation of key messages from the over 140 discourses in the month of July, including Guru Poornima Days between the years 1958 and 2009.
House and Home
One discipline you must heed, namely, the control of the
senses; if you give them free rein, they
will drag you into calamity. Education must render you monarch
of your talents, your tools for
acquiring knowledge. The eye, the ear, the tongue are like wild
horses that have no bit between
the teeth; learn the art of dhyaana by which the
senses can be controlled and the will directed
inwards, towards the mastery of feelings and emotions. A nation
that has no bridle on its
sensuality can never thrive or survive.
The home is the temple where the family, each member of which
is a moving temple, is nurtured
and nourished. The mother is the high priest of this House of
God. Humility is the incense with
which the house is filled. Reverence is the lamp that is lit,
with love as the oil and faith as the
wick. Spend the years of your lives, dedicating them for such
worship, in the homes that you will
There are in the world Bhojanaalayas
(hotels), Vaidhyaalayas (Hospitals),
(Homes of
Entertainment, Theatres), Vihaaraalayas (Places
of sport, gymkhaanas), Vichith-raalayas
(Museums, Palaces of Art, etc.), etc. But, however they are
named, they are all Duhkhaalayas
(Homes of Sorrow). The only Aanandhanilaya (Home
of Joy) is the Dhevaalaya (Temple of
God), that is to say, one's own body where God is the inner
Guide and Guardian.
Each religion exhorts those who are attracted by it to meditate
on God in certain Form known by
a certain Name; but, one who is aware that He is all Names and
all Forms will adopt a sound
which is profoundly significant, which summarises all Names,
namely, the Pranava (OM) sound,
the Akshara (Unchanging, indestructible).
The Vedhas declare that the Mother, the Father, the Achaarya
(Preceptor) have to be treated as
God. The Mother brings forth and trains the emotions and
intelligence, and fosters and feeds the
body during the critical first few years of life. The father
protects and guides, and supports till
the child is able to fend for itself. The Achaarya opens the
inner eye; he shows the way, for joy
and happiness, here and hereafter. So, the responsibility of
the guru is overwhelming.
Until you become aware of your own Divinity (Devathathwa)
so long as you are conscious of
your distinct individuality (Jeeva-thath-wa)---so long
as you feel you are you and God is God,
you cannot but struggle, with some attitudes and objectives.
Saturate the breath—while you inhale and while you exhale—in
Love. Saturate each moment in
Love. Love knows no fear. Love shuns falsehood. Love does not
crave for praise; that is its strength. Only those who have no Love in them
itch for reward and reputation. The reward for Love is Love itself.
Hyperlinks: http://www.sssbpt.info/ssspeaks/volume09/sss09-13.pdf
to Ponder:
How to become aware of our
one’s own divinity?
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