1961: The inner temple
Teachings to treasure, teachings that transform.
In this auspicious year 2015 commemorating the 90th birthday of Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, we offer a compilation of key messages from the over 140 discourses in the month of July, including Guru Poornima Days between the years 1958 and 2009.
1961: The
inner temple
Everyone is a moving temple with the Lord installed in the
shrine of the heart. That shrine has to shine bright and clear. Now, it is
plunged in the darkness of falsehood, injustice, cruelty, and pride; it is
infested by poisonous nocturnal birds of prey. The illumination of heart
results in the destruction of darkness of egoism and ignorance, so that the
Lord might be revealed in all His Glory.
Even though there is progress everywhere in the material field
there is no peace in the hearts of people or society, as there is no increase
in the moral conduct. Problem is, knowledge is growing but wisdom is lagging.
Man means, he who has
control over the mind (manas). Control of the mind can be achieved through
spiritual discipline and training.
The individual soul is pure, but it has been soiled. It has to
be soaked in good conduct and pure character, soaped with meditation on the
Godhead, warmed in discriminatory wisdom helped by reason, and beaten on the
slab of renunciation. Use the temple and the worship of the Lord as per
traditional rites for this end.
Devotion and faith are the result of culture and not mere
physical contiguity. A life lived in love and humility will gain the respect of
all and will also be full of peace. Do not ask of life only joy and happiness,
but take cheerfully all that comes to you
Remember that death is inescapable, that life is but an
interlude, that the world is but a caravansarai, and you will get the strength
to pass through the pilgrimage of this birth.
Points to ponder
does the material progress in every field around not conferring us the peace
do we rid ourselves of the dirt in spiritual field
do we beget peace
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