2009: Three assets you must safeguard

Teachings to treasure, teachings that transform. In this auspicious year 2015 commemorating the 90th birthday of Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, we offer a compilation of key messages from the over 140 discourses in the month of July, including Guru Poornima Days between the years 1958 and 2009.

2009:  Three assets you must safeguard

There are three spiritual practices by which love for God, fear of sin, and morality in society can be de­veloped. They are devotion to God (bhakthi), the path of wisdom (jnana), and detachment (vairagya). Activity (karma) is a natural and essential attribute of the physical body. Only when the body undertakes good activity will the mind function well. When the mind is sound, love for God can be developed. Thus, devotion, wisdom, and detachment are interlinked with love for God, fear of sin, and morality in society. They are like the three blades of a fan. Only when the three blades rotate can we have refreshing air; otherwise we feel uncomfortable.

If you want to transform society, there must be purity in your heart. First, the individual; then, society. For the individual to be transformed, there must be love for God and fear of sin. Then comes morality in society. It is the individuals that make a society. Hence, if unity among people is developed there will be purity and Divinity. Unity, purity, and Divinity cannot be attained by mere education.

In other hospitals, patients have to spend thousands of rupees toward heart operations. But we do not charge them even a paisa. For us, love and devotion are important and not other things. “Love to love, heart to heart.” We seek only this. They are all deriving great joy.

There are three steps in the process: concentration, contemplation, and meditation. It is a gradual process achieved by systematic and regular practice (abhyasa).

If you wish to attain the Atma Principle, you have to constantly contemplate upon Atma. Once you expe­rience the Atma Principle, you will yourself become Brahman. In order to get that experience, there should be regular practice. One does a lot of practice even to attain simple things in daily life. Without practice, nothing can be achieved in life; you will commit mistakes.

Points to Ponder:   

·       How to attain the atma principle?
