1991: Develop Social Consciousness

Teachings to treasure, teachings that transform. In this auspicious year 2015 commemorating the 90th birthday of Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, we offer a compilation of key messages from the over 140 discourses in the month of July, including Guru Poornima Days between the years 1958 and 2009.

1991:   Develop Social Consciousness

There is no use in attempting to establish a new system of education or a new social system. By
these means the current problems cannot be solved. We have to bring up a generation of  purehearted  boys and girls. To rear such a generation, there should be a climate of purity and
sincerity. This calls for the development of morality and devotion to truth. Character and truth
lead to the emergence of spirituality in the divine human personality. Hence, spirituality is the
basic foundation for producing a generation of pure-hearted boys and girls. Only when we have
such pure young persons, will the nation experience peace and prosperity. To lead a good life
students will have to give up their selfishness.

Students should develop a spirit of sacrifice so that they are prepared to dedicate all their
energies and talents to the service of others. For this purpose, they must cherish those moral
values which will enable them to lead ideal lives. Wherever you may work and whomsoever you
may meet, you should earn a good name. You should not behave in. a conceited manner because
of your high MBA degrees.

Man should endeavour to know that by knowing which everything else is known. For instance,
if the nature of clay is known, all about objects made from clay can be known. Clay is in a mudpot,
but mud-pot is not in the clay. The pot is an artificial product. Likewise, what is drisya
(perceived) is in the drashta (perceiver), but the perceiver is not in what is perceived.

Man is derived from the Divine, is sustained by the Divine and has to merge in the Divine. That
is the goal of man. Man is not a petty being, nor is he a weakling or a destitute. He is the most
powerful being on earth. You have to take up sadhana on the strength of this belief.

Treat the body as an instrument for realising the Divine, by engaging yourself in all sacred
actions. Contemplation on the Divine is the only way to achieve this. Continuous contemplation
leads to God-realisation.

Points to Ponder:   
What qualities should students develop?
