1987: God and you are one

Teachings to treasure, teachings that transform. In this auspicious year 2015 commemorating the 90th birthday of Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, we offer a compilation of key messages from the over 140 discourses in the month of July, including Guru Poornima Days between the years 1958 and 2009.

·      1987:    God and you are one

Man has also to contend with afflictions from five Kleshos (afflictions). These are: Avidya,
Abhinivesha, Asmitha, Raaga and Dhvesha. Avidya (lack of true knowledge) renders a man feel
weak and imbecile, incapable of recognising his inherent divine nature. Abhinivesha makes a
man attached to samsara (worldly concerns) and to forget his real destiny. He allows the mind to
dominate him. As a result, he is subject to sorrow and depression. Asmitha is the trouble that
arises out of ego and excessive greed. When the desires are not fulfilled, there is distress. When
they are fulfilled, Ahamkara (self-conceit) grows. In this process genuine human qualities wither
away. Raaga Klesha is the distress caused by the insatiable desire for houses, vehicles, wealth,
etc. Dhvesha Klesha is the feeling of bitterness that arises when one does not get what he seeks
from others. In due course he becomes a low and pitiable creature.
The scriptures have declared that among birds, the crow is the meanest; among animals, the
donkey is the meanest and among men, the one who indulges in slander is most despicable. The
crow is mean because it does not relish good food and prefers only rotten things. The donkey
carries only dirty clothes and is always dirty. The slanderer has a foul tongue and is the meanest
among human beings.­

An enquiry has to be made into "Advaita trayam" (three aspects of nondualism). These three are: Bhaava-Advaitam, Kriya-Advaitam and Padhaartha-A dvaitam.  Bhaava-Advaitam is the enquiry which leads to recognition of the common basis of different objects like cloth and thread, namely, cotton. To recognise the One that underlies the Many is Bhaava-Advaitam. This involves recognition of the one indwelling Spirit which is common to all beings.  Kriyaa-Advaitam relates to the performance of actions, with purity of mind, speech and body, in a spirit of dedication to God. Padhaartha-Advaitam calls for recognition of the elements that are common to all objects and all  living things.

The term maanava (human) has two meanings. One is maa (not) nava (new}--one who is not
new. This means that man has a long history behind him. The other meaning is: maa-na-va--one
who is free from ignorance (maa-ignorance, na-without, va-living). True humanness consists of
turning away from evil courses and pursuing right paths in life.

Points to Ponder: 
What are the five afflictions? 
