1987: Jesus' original name was Isa

Teachings to treasure, teachings that transform

In this auspicious year 2015 commemorating the 90th birthday of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, we offer a compilation of key messages from selected Christmas discourses between the years 1972 and 2008.

1978: Jesus' original name was Isa 

Jesus was honoured by the populace as Christ, for they found in his thoughts, words and deeds, no trace of ego. He had no envy or hatred, and was full of love and charity, humility and sympathy. Jesus' original name was Isa which, when repeated, is Sai. Isa and Sai, both mean Ishwara (God), the Eternal Absolute, the Sath-Chith-Aanandha (Being-Awareness-Bliss). In the Tibetan manuscript, at the monastery where Isa spent some years, his name is written as Isha, which means the Lord of all living beings. When Jesus proclaimed that he was the Messenger of God, he wanted to emphasise that every one is a messenger of God and has to speak, act and think like one. This is the true KarmaKaanda (branch dealing with action and its reaction) of the Vedhas: saadhana (discipline) of karma (work), japa (prayer), seva (service) and dhyaana (meditation). When progress is furthered, Jesus asserted, each one can recognise all as Sons of God, Children of God, brothers and sisters of oneself, and so, deserving of worship. The Upaasana Kaanda (branch of Vedhas dealing with contemplation) is the scripture in Sanaathana Dharma (Eternal Universal Religion) for this stage. Finally, knowledge ripens into wisdom and' the goal of Jnaana Kaanda (branch of Vedhas dealing with spiritual wisdom) is reached, when each one realises, "I and my Father are One."

Do not confine Jesus to one community 

The Birthday of Jesus must be celebrated by all mankind, for such kaarana-janmas belong to the whole human race. They should not be confined to a single country or community. Jesus found that scholars and ritualists had befogged the true religion, He engaged himself in teaching both spirituality and morality, for education is the very light of life.

Read full discourse at: http://www.sssbpt.info/ssspeaks/volume14/sss14-16.pdf

Points to Ponder:

  • What are the three stages of Jesus' life?
