1996: Not salaries but service

Teachings to treasure, teachings that transform. In this auspicious year 2015 commemorating the 90th birthday of Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, we offer a compilation of key messages from the over 140 discourses in the month of July, including Guru Poornima Days between the years 1958 and 2009.

·      1996:   Not salaries but service

You should offer your knowledge for the benefit of the people. You should set an example to
your fellowmen. Cultivate the spirit of oneness of all mankind. The three letters in the term Sathyam  represents Praana (life), Annam (food) and the Sun, who is the sustainer of all life.
To develop the Saathvik quality, the Thaamasik quality is an accessory and the Raajasik quality
is a necessary stage. When one goes beyond these two, the full nature of the Saathvik quality
manifests itself.  A rishi is not one who is a great scholar or a ritualist, but one who is free from evil tendencies. Learn to respect all. Only then will you earn the grace of the Divine who is the Indweller in all beings.

To attend to one's  household duties, look after the children and attend to the needs of the husband and others at home constitute the right type of saadhana. Even the preparation of meals in the home is a great  saadhana. To remove the stones from the rice before it is cooked is one kind of yoga--- gunathraya vibhaaga yoga--the yoga of division of the three qualities. Every stage in the
cooking of vegetables may be deemed a spiritual exercise. Likewise every household chore can
be sanctified without a sense of regret that you are missing a bhajan or a discourse. Even the
sweeping of the house may be considered as a process of purifying the heart.

In every field Saadhana (steadfast performance) is essential. Together with peace, the quality of Kshama (forbearance) is also essential. Kshama (forbearance) is for every man a third eye.

The quality of true love is to give and not to receive. Love of the Divine is of four kinds. One is Svaartha-Prema (love based on self-interest). The second is Samanjasa-Prema, the third is Paraartha-Prema, and the fourth is Yathaartha-Prema. Svaartha-Prema is like a lamp kept in a room.  Samanjasa-Prema may be compared to the light from the moon.  The third is Paraartha-Prema. It is like sun-light.  he fourth one is Yathaartha-Prema or Aathma-Prema This love is present always, inside and outside, in all places and at all times, in all circumstances. This is Divine Love.
Turn your mind Godward and you will experience the bliss of the Divine. It is for this reason that
Svaami gives you advice from time to time as to what you should do and what you should avoid.

You must realise that whatever scriptures one may master or whatever power and wealth one
many acquire, without love one cannot achieve liberation. All of you are looking at the external
world. Turn your vision inward. The external vision is useless. It is when you look inward that
you will recognise your true form.

Points to Ponder:   
What is quality of true love?
