1993: Purity the Path to Divinity
Summaries of the discourses of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba on New year and Yudagi 1987 to 2009. You are truly born, on the day you begin your journey to realize your true identity—Divinity. 1993: Purity the Path to Divinity There is no specific proof for the Divine. Hence, He is called Aprameya (Immeasurable). THE phenomenal world that is perceived by us is called Vishvam (the cosmos). Vishvam means that which has emerged from the Divine with many limbs. This Cosmos is Kaaryam (action or effect). Every action is preceded by a cause. This cause is God. Hence, God and the Cosmos are related as Cause and Effect. The relationship is interdependent and inseparable. For man to recognise the Brahman, he has to comprehend the nature of that which transcends Time. Time is consuming the body. God is the Consumer of Time itself. Man's joys and sorrows, happiness or misery are not dependent on Time. They are based on man's actions. Time has no relations or friends. Time is not s...