1987: Loving service forever
Summaries of the discourses of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba on New year and Yudagi 1987 to 2009.
1 January 1987
Loving service forever
THE Sanathana Dharma (the Eternal Religion) which is the basis of Bharathiya Culture is the essence of the lessons enunciated in all the Vedic texts. The four Vedas (scriptures of eternal value) teach us who and what we really are and how we are related to the world around us. This is the greatest gift that the Vedas offer. This is the end of all enquiry, the aim of all scientific search. Knowledge has its consummation in the discovery of Truth.
Speech, Mind and Breath are the three most vital instruments for adoration and awareness of Truth and Knowledge. Among the Vedas the Rig-veda highlights speech; the Yajur-veda highlights the mind; the Sama-veda highlights breath.
Wisdom dawns when man realises, that the body he believed to be his is understood as only temporary habitation and a burden he assumed out of sheer ignorance. Activity finds fulfillment when wisdom dawns. 'Inaction is the most rewarding action' for those who strive for supreme peace. The wise act solely for the promotion of peace and goodwill in the human community with no consideration of I and Mine.
A tree has a trunk covered with bark and myriad roots to feed it and hold it firm. It has branches spreading in all directions, tapering into twigs. It has millions of leaves which breathe and borrow energy from the Sun. It fulfills itself by attracting bees to fertilise the flowers into seeds. All this variety of colour, fragrance, taste, smell and softness, of strength and toughness and tenderness has emanated from one single seed. All creation has emanated similarly from God.
Ponder on a river merging in the ocean. The waters of the ocean rise up as vapour when warmed by the Sun and form clouds, which drop down as drops of rain. The raindrops accumulate and flow as brooks and streams which swell into tributaries of rivers, flooding the plains. At last, the river merges into the ocean and loses its name, form and attributes. In spite of all modifications undergone in the journey from ocean to ocean, water remains as water in vapour, cloud, rain and river. Each drop has inside it the yearning to return to the ocean from which it has been exiled. Man too emerges from the ocean of Divinity and his destiny is to merge in it.
Take a lump of salt and drop in a cup of water. The salt dissolves soon and disappears though we know it exists in every drop. The lump cannot be picked up but we can assure ourselves of its presence by tasting the water. God is present everywhere, though invisible. But, He can be known by the taste. You are the taste, the Divine droplet.
This is the Truth. That thou Art.
Points to Ponder
What is the significance of Service to Man is Service to God?
"Persons who have dedicated their lives to spiritual search and success have to discover the Atma in themselves and others. The discovery will confer sympathy and compassion and promote loving service."
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