1997: Learning about Education for Life

1997: Learning about Education for Life



Recognise your Divine Identity


Your real form is Sadhaanandha Roopam (the eternal Bliss Divine), the Divine form of Auspiciousness (Shiva). But, because of the differences in external physical forms, you are victims of the ignorance of your true selves. The scriptures have described Self (I) as Aathma or Hridhaya. Hridhaya means that which enshrines kindness. Hence all of you are embodiments of kindness. It is only when everyone recognises this quality of kindness that-world peace will be realised.


The whole cosmos is associated with dhvaitham (duality or plurality) based on the distinction between "I" and "this" (the other). This refers to dhrishyam (what is perceived). "I" refers to the dhrashtha (seer). Without the seer, the seen cannot exist. At one moment you identify yourself with your body. At another moment you distinguish yourself as separate from your body.


All the forms in which God is worshipped are products of the human imagination. The proper way-to experience God is to feel with all your inner being that you are the Divine itself. That experience will make you feel the presence of the Divine in all beings and in all things. With that experience there will be no room for hatred towards anyone. Such a one will never do evil deeds.


All that is perceived by the eyes is divine. The perceiver is also divine. Spirituality points out the Divinity that is present in both the seer and the seen.


There are four mottos, which all devotees should follow:

(1) Avoid bad company

(2) Welcome association with good persons.

(3) Remember always the transient and the permanent.

(4) Ceaselessly engage yourself in meritorious acts.


Advise to Devotees

I want you to exercise control over five vital things in life.

Do not waste money.  Do not waste food. Do not waste Time. Do not waste energy. Do not forget God.



