1993: First Darshan: Removal of Sins
1993: First Darshan: Removal of Sins
Purity, patience, and perseverance: steps to Divinity
The entire Cosmos is based on the bedrock of Truth. Wealth and Welfare and all comforts and pleasures are dependent on Truth. Restraint in speech nourishes truth.
Men of all faiths--whether they are Hindus, Christians, Muslims, Paarsis or others----have recognized that God is one. It is only when men develop feelings of forbearance, compassion and unity, that men will have fraternal feelings towards each other and foster equality and justice. You may esteem your religion greatly. Adhere' to it accordingly. But do not criticize or despise the religions of other people.
The bad traits which are found in man are the result of his food and other habits and do not arise from his Aathma. Vices like lust, anger, envy and pride are the outcome of bad food and improper associations and are products of external factors. They do not arise from within. Qualities like love, compassion, consideration for others arise from within one's self. These are human values.
Duties and rights go together. When you discharge your responsibilities, your rights will be automatically 'ensured. Do your duty. Duty is God. Work is worship.
All of you are embodiments of the Aathma (Spirit). You are all the manifestations of the Divine. Fill your hearts with love. Then you can experience real bliss. First of all "Be"--be good yourself. Then you "Do"--act likewise. Then "Speak"--tell others about what is good.
If every person observes three things, he will be one with Svaami. They are three P's: Purity, Patience and Perseverance. These three are in Me and around Me. Anyone with these three qualities will be unafraid wherever he may be.
You will experience the fruits of celebrating the birthday only when you follow the teachings.
Policy suggestion: People today talk about protecting the nation. The nation does not need protection. If you protect and foster truth and righteousness the nation will be automatically protected. In the name of protecting the country, arms and bombs are piled up which are ruining the nation.
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