24. The form of the Divine
Teachings to treasure, teachings that transform.
Thirumoolar Thavamozhi
24. The form of the Divine
Our saints use a metaphor to categorize Divine power into three with three names: Brahma creates the seven worlds; Vishnu protects them; and Rudra destroys them. Our Saint Thirumoolar explains that because of this metaphor, many say that the Bharat culture has educated people to create the impression that there are many gods and instilled the misunderstanding that there are differences between one another.
ஒருவனு மேஉல கேழும் படைத்தான்
ஒருவனு மேஉல கேழும் அளந்தான்
அளந்தான் – Vishnu who measured the entire world with his foot is the same God.
ஒருவனு மேஉல கேழும் கடந்தான்
கடந்தான் – Eswara who is beyond the seven world is the same God.
ஒருவனு மேஉல லோடுயிர் தானே
உலலோடுயிர்தானே -
The God is the body and the individual soul. Our Saint nicely emphasizes that
God is the residing as the body and the individual soul
ஒருவனு மேஉல கேழும் படைத்தான்
ஒருவனு மேஉல கேழும் அளந்தான்
ஒருவனு மேஉல கேழும் கடந்தான்
ஒருவனு மேஉல லோடுயிர் தானே. 24
Our scriptures say that God in three forms, is responsible for the three
tasks, namely, creating the worlds and living beings, protecting them, and destroying.
There is a concept in our ancient texts that there are seven worlds.
Commenators in the past have interpreted அளந்தான் as the task of protection, and கடந்தான் as the task of destruction. The God who is responsible for the three tasks is one. The same divine power repeatedly creates, protects, and destroys the universe. That same divine power combines the body with the individual soul. Filled with joy, our Saint Thirumoolar goes on to sign praises about this divine power.
உடலாய் உயிராய் உலகம தாகிக்
கடலாய் கார்முகில் நீர்ப்பொழி வானாய்
கார்முகில் –dark cloud that gives rain; நீர்ப்பொழி வானாய் – the sky that is filled with such rainy clouds.
The God who is the body, the individual soul, the worlds, the ocean, sky that is filled with rainy dark clouds, is also Siva.
இடையாய் உலப்பிலி எங்குந்தா னாகி -
இடையாய் – God is not the form that we see, but also inside them and is the space in between them!
உலப்பு – is attrition or diminish; உலப்பிலி – that which never diminishes; எங்குந்தானாகி - present everywhere without limit.
அடையார் பெருவிழி அண்ணல் நின்றானே
அடை – love; அடையார் – filled with love; அடையார் பெருவிழி -the God has big eyes that is filled with love; With His big eyes filled with love, He draws us towards Him lovingly. அண்ணல் நின்றானே – God is present.
உடலாய் உயிராய் உலகம தாகிக்
கடலாய் கார்முகில் நீர்ப்பொழி வானாய்
இடையாய் உலப்பிலி எங்குந்தா னாகி
அடையார் பெருவிழி அண்ணல் நின்றானே.
To read other translated pages in these posts, see: Thirumoolar
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