Divinity through Love: Divine Discourse Delivered by Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Men and women of many faiths From the four comers of the world Have gathered here with love and humility Unmindful of comfort or discomfort, Enduring numerous travails, All for the sake of Baba's grace! Dispelling rampant atheism And instilling faith in God Sai's all-embracing love Is transforming mankind And leading them to the Divine. EMBODIMENTS of Divine Love! Although physically there are no basic differences among human beings, many differences can be seen in their practices, their thoughts and feelings. Every nation is an aggregation of human beings. Differences in the life-styles of human communities in the various nations are quite significant, though the natural environment over the globe as a whole is not so varied. This is a significant characteristic of the human predicament. Truth is one. It is beyond mind and speech. It transcen...