Thirumoolar Thirumantiram - Introduction

Teachings to treasure, teachings that transform. Thirumoolar Thavamozhi Motivation Introduction Our ancient texts say that man is described by three noble qualities, namely, not doing sin, living with good character, and devotion to God. In order to cultivate these three qualities in man, the moral books and scriptures were written. It is not sufficient to keep away from bad actions that societal norms condemn. Man needs to have good qualities such as sweet words, compassion, charity, helping others. Our spiritual texts all aim at cultivating good habits, and giving up bad qualities in mankind. However, just by reading moral books or listening to discourse it is doubtful that one may cultivate the good qualities mentioned earlier. Our forefathers realized that the full growth of good qualities can be only achieved by the knowledge of the divine. Our spiritual texts emerged from this thinking. In Tamil Nadu, Saivaism (devotion to lord shiva) and Vaishnavism (devotion ...