
Showing posts from 2020

Mr. Ravi Shankar Prasad speech at Sathya Sai baba Ashram, Prasanthi Nilayam

Mr. Ravi Shankar Prasad speech at Sathya Sai baba Ashram, Prasanthi Nilayam India is certainly a place for science, innovation and technology. But also remember one thing - India is the chosen place on earth for divinity! That will remain the first and the ultimate calling of India.  How do you explain India geographically? You go deep north in the Himalayas and you find Badrinath where Badri Vishal (Lord Vishnu) resides. You go a little east and there you will find Kedarnath where Mahadeva resides. You go deep south to the tip of the Indian Ocean and there is Kanyakumari, the Mahadevi.  You go a little further in this proud land of Andhra Pradesh and you will find Lord Vishnu as Venkateshwara residing in the hills of Tirupati. You go deep east and you have Devi Kamakhya residing in the hills of Assam. You go deep east further and you have Lord Jagannatha residing in Puri. You go deep west and you have Lord Somnath in Gujarat and a little ahead you have Lord Krishna in Dwaraka. They ar...

Feature Articles: The Manifesto - A Vision We Wish to Explore, Part - 2 - Febraury 2011

Feature Articles: The Manifesto - A Vision We Wish to Explore, Part - 2 - Febraury 2011 Today, humans require water for not only various types of domestic use, but also for growing food, in manufacture, and for running social establishments like hotels, airports, etc. In fact, humanity's water needs have grown to such an extent that water is rapidly becoming a cause for dispute between communities, different states within a country, and indeed amongst a whole group of countries that share the same river.

Happy Ganesha Chaturthi -- Best regards, Seetha Ram

The Fillip of Sai Love in the Philippines

After Typhoon Haiyan in November 2013 caused unprecedented havoc in and around Tacloban, the Philippines, another Typhoon of Sai Seva began and it continues till this day filling the hearts of these distressed people with hope, light and love.   Read full article . Since November 2013, the Sathya Sai International Organisation (SSIO) has been actively involved in disaster relief efforts in Tacloban, Philippines – a region significantly affected by typhoon Yolanda. The SSIO has focused its disaster relief efforts in three major areas: Serving hot meals daily to school children and adults, Organising free medical and dental camps – including counselling services for those suffering from trauma/stress, and Reconstructing and refurbishing schools.   read more and watch video .    

You are my devotee and you are my friend

Krishna declared regarding Arjuna. He told Arjuna: "You are my devotee and you are my friend." Arjuna did not declare to Krishna: "I am your devotee." Krishna was not content to declare: "Arjuna, you are my devotee." Why did He go on to say: "You are my friend?" Would it not have been sufficient if Krishna had declared, "you are my friend"? Why should he say, "you are my devotee"? In this declaration, there is a profound spiritual significance.  Read  full discourse in 1988 at:  

Grace and Blessings

The Sun shines brilliantly, but only those who open their eyes can feel its brilliant rays and see all the things in Nature that the Sun illumines.The Grace of the Divine is like the Sunlight. The individual either by ignorance, or laziness, or ego is unable to receive this Grace. Read full article.

Darshan, Sparshan, and Sambhaashan

All living beings are bestowed with the five senses —smell, taste, sight, touch, and hearing. Animals use one or many of these senses, while human beings are capable of using all these. We may have noticed that a dog will prefer to “smell” the visitor to check whether the person is a guest or not. Cats and monkeys choose to lick and bite any new object to confirm whether it can be eaten or not. Did you know that many animals do not see color pictures of the world as we see—they see in black and white? Many animals do not feel pain the way human beings do. Finally, animals do not hear or respond to sound and noises in the same way as humans do. Read full article.

Three steps to Experiencing Divinity Within

Every time I heard Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba graciously addressing the audience as “Embodiments of Divine B eing”, I wondered, “Am I really Divine? How and when will I experience my divinity?”Bhagawan constantly reminded us that we have forgotten that we are embodiments of divine. His prescription to experience divinity appears to be very simple - the 9-point code of conduct —with the maxim of purity, unity and divinity. Read full article.

Free Education For All

Free education is not a charity for the poor and those who cannot afford; it is but a form of selfless service, for the future society. Administrators of schools and educators wonder how education could be free-of- charge? They ask relevant questions: Who will pay for salaries of the teachers, Buildings, and other costs? Read full article.

Five Elements—Five Resources—Five Human Values

This article comprises three parts.  The first part, ‘Commerce and Ethics’ attempts to highlight the importance of Ethics (exemplified by the five human values) in Commerce. To illustrate this, the author presents a model of the five layers of Commerce corresponding to the five human values, the five elements, and the five basic resources. The second part deals with ‘becoming embodiments of Love’. The last part is an attempt to write the ‘equation of creation’. Read full article.

SEVA the Road to Immortality

   The word SEVA is an acronym where S stands for S acrifice through Ceiling on desires; E stands for E ffectiveness— such as  through contribution of time as in all Sathya Sai Service projects; and V means V alues based approach. Read full article.

‘Being’ Human

This pandemic is reminding us to be shining examples of ‘Being’ Human. Essential workers are vital to a ‘living’ society. We need to acknowledge their services. Without them, we will not be able to sustain ourselves; we will not have the privilege of staying indoors. Insights from covid-19