
Showing posts from January, 2016

2008: Next Stage

Summaries of the discourses of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba on New year and Yudagi  1987 to 2009. You are truly born, on the day you begin your journey to realize your true identity—Divinity. 2008: Next Stage Lead A Happy Life With A Feeling Of Camaraderie And Fraternity The Bharatiyas today are unable to demonstrate their strength in spite of possessing rich culture, righteousness and justice on their side. The greatest drawback in this country is lack of unity among people. We have everything in this country. We have noble qualities. We are righteous. But, there is no unity among people. With the result, all other positive factors become ineffectual. I am of the view that side by side with the academic subjects, there must be provision for teaching epics and sacred texts like the Ramayana , the Bhagavata and the Bhagavad Gita. The boys must be given good training and allowed to spread the message of these epics in the villages around. All secular edu...

2004: Service to Man is Service to God

Summaries of the discourses of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba on New year and Yudagi  1987 to 2009. You are truly born, on the day you begin your journey to realize your true identity—Divinity. 2004: Service to Man is Service to God We should not waste our time brooding over the past or anticipating the future. We cannot get back past however much we may pray for it. It is not possible to visualize the future, as it is hidden in the womb of time. The present is only real. The foremost activity man should engage in is service to fellow human beings. God has given us this body for that purpose only. Service is more important than bhajan and all other sadhanas. The hands that serve are holier than lips that pray. Money is of no help in developing good qualities. Sacrifice alone can develop noble qualities. It is only in sacrifice, there is real yoga . But people want bhoga (enjoy material comforts). By such bhoga , only roga (diseas) will be contracted. Hence, try to ...

1988: The Crowning Virtue

The Crowning Virtue 7 January 1988 Everything abides in Dharma (righteousness). The presence of this Dharma cannot be established by sense of perception or through inferential deduction. It transcends the canons of logic. Its existence has to be derived from the Vedas (the authority of revealed scriptural testimony). Dharma (Righteousness) and Moksha (Liberation) are transcendental---beyond the intellect and sense perceptions. The Vedas show that through good deeds and practices, one can acquire the competence to realise Dharma and Moksha. Only those who practice Dharma are qualified to propagate it. It is because Dharma and Sathya have not been propagated by persons practising them that they have been eclipsed, as it were, and are not perceivable. It is only when they are practised in daily life that their true nature and value will be realised. Among the qualities a man has to develop if he is to realise his divinity, the foremost is Kshama- --forbearance or ...

1991: Time is God

1991. Time is God 1 January 1991 The word Kaalam (Time) is derived from Kaa+alam. This means that God, embodiment of Time, is the One who rewards people according to their deserts. All things in the Cosmos, moving and unmoving, are permeated by God. Hence, God is characterised as Kaalagarbha (the One who holds Time in the womb).   Time is the very form of God. Birth and death are encompassed by Time. Time wasted is life wasted. All your experiences are the results of your actions, whether it is happiness or sorrow, affluence or poverty. The fruits of your actions are determined by Time. The way you utilise your time determines the outcome. Neither Sadhana (spiritual endeavour) nor Sadhyam (fulfilment) exists independently and apart from each other. It is a trick of the mind to make Sadhana as the means to Sadhyam (the Goal). True Sadhana consists in giving up the anaatma bhava (the idea that one is not the Spirit but the physical body). To turn the vision from t...

1987: Loving service forever

1 January 1987 Loving service forever THE Sanathana Dharma (the Eternal Religion) which is the basis of Bharathiya Culture is the essence of the lessons enunciated in all the Vedic texts. The four Vedas (scriptures of eternal value) teach us who and what we really are and how we are related to the world around us. This is the greatest gift that the Vedas offer. This is the end of all enquiry, the aim of all scientific search. Knowledge has its consummation in the discovery of Truth. Speech, Mind and Breath are the three most vital instruments for adoration and awareness of Truth and Knowledge. Among the Vedas the Rig-veda highlights speech; the Yajur-veda highlights the mind; the Sama-veda highlights breath. Wisdom dawns when man realises, that the body he believed to be his is understood as only temporary habitation and a burden he assumed out of sheer ignorance. Activity finds fulfillment when wisdom dawns. 'Inaction is the most rewarding action' for those...

2003: Strive for Unity, Purity, and Divinity

Summaries of the discourses of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba on New year and Yudagi  1987 to 2009. You are truly born, on the day you begin your journey to realize your true identity—Divinity. 2003: Strive for Unity, Purity, and Divinity In this world every object has five aspects, namely, sath, chith, ananda, rupa, and nama (being, awareness, bliss, form, and name). Being, awareness, and bliss are the three core attributes of a man. They are true and eternal. Name and form are transitory. The delusion of permanence of name and form leads mankind to waste away its precious life. People who are worldly in outlook waste their time in watering the "branches", whereas, the Vedantins water the "roots" and thereby enjoy the "fruits".  The value and significance of human nature is beyond all estimation. Only when you practise human values will your life be redeemed. Man is but a spark of Divinity. The value and significance of human nature is b...

2001: Good Thoughts Herald New Year

Summaries of the discourses of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba on New year and Yudagi   1987 to 2009. You are truly born, on the day you begin your journey to realize your true identity—Divinity. 2001: Good Thoughts Herald New Year The qualities of a good mind are: it has the brightness of the sun and coolness of the moon; it makes one utter sacred words and confers peace on society. Only one with compassion, love, forbearance, sympathy and sacrifice is a true human being.   Follow Nature And Practise Human Values Man has originated from Nature. Earth sustains life. Sun gives light. Trees give oxygen. Water quenches our thirst and air helps us to live. Having been born out of and brought up by Nature, man should practise and propagate the ideals set by nature.   Sacred Activities Confer Happiness Heart is the centre of sacred feelings. It is filled with compassion.   With purity of heart, steadiness of mind and selfless actions, one...

Happy New Year

“Happy New Year” Summaries of the discourses of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba on New year and Yudagi  1987 to 2009. You are truly born, on the day you begin your journey to realize your true identity—Divinity. Each New year Bhagawan lights candles and cuts cakes baked by his students and staff. Beginning 2000, we also took delight in collecting exquisite candles, trays and cake slicing knives from the Philippines and other places we travelled to around world. The hostel cake baking teams used them to decorate their cakes further for Swami’s use on New Year day. We sincerely hope these summaries of New Year and Yugadi discourses will be useful to the readers and fellow spiritual aspirants.