2008: Next Stage
Summaries of the discourses of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba on New year and Yudagi 1987 to 2009. You are truly born, on the day you begin your journey to realize your true identity—Divinity. 2008: Next Stage Lead A Happy Life With A Feeling Of Camaraderie And Fraternity The Bharatiyas today are unable to demonstrate their strength in spite of possessing rich culture, righteousness and justice on their side. The greatest drawback in this country is lack of unity among people. We have everything in this country. We have noble qualities. We are righteous. But, there is no unity among people. With the result, all other positive factors become ineffectual. I am of the view that side by side with the academic subjects, there must be provision for teaching epics and sacred texts like the Ramayana , the Bhagavata and the Bhagavad Gita. The boys must be given good training and allowed to spread the message of these epics in the villages around. All secular edu...