1997: Role of Sai Youth in World Crisis

Teachings to treasure, teachings that transform. In this auspicious year 2015 commemorating the 90th birthday of Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, we offer a compilation of key messages from the over 140 discourses in the month of July, including Guru Poornima Days between the years 1958 and 2009.

1997:    Role  of Sai Youth in World Crisis

The World's prosperity or otherwise is based upon the character of the youth--men and women.
Hence, young men and women should be pure hearted and render selfless service to the country.
They should keep the company of the good and godly.

There is no greater teacher than your heart. Time is a great preacher. The world is a scriptural
text. God is the great friend. With full faith in these four entities, one should lead his life on this
earth. You must radiate human values and ensure unity in thought, word and deed.

You should lead a life of morality and character. The Upanishath says: "Sathyam Bruyaath"
(speak Truth). This is the physical aspect of the directive. "Priyam Bruyaath." This is the
Dharmik or virtuous aspect which means you should speak Truth in a nice and palatable way.
Next is "Na Bruyaath Sathyam apriyam." This is the spiritual aspect. You should avoid speaking
even truth when it is not pleasing the person.

If some are questioning your faith in God, tell them that He is in your heart and the others have
no business to question your belief. Have strong and-unshakable faith. Be fearless and avoid
"crying". You have to shed only tears of devotion to God. Such tears have spiritual meaning,
because Naara means water and Nayana means 'eyes'. Both together make Naaraayana.
Difficulties are like passing clouds. There are no permanent clouds at all.

"Sathyam maatha" (Truth is the mother). It is the same over all the three categories of time past, present and the future. Such truth is one's real and lasting mother. "Jnaanam pithaa" (Wisdom is the father). True wisdom is: “Adhvaitha  dharshanam Jnaanam" (perception of oneness is true spiritual wisdom). The wisdom that makes  one aware of unity alone is wisdom. Such wisdom is one's true father. "Dharma bhraatha" (Righteousness is the brother). we have brothers. Between them there are differences of opinion. But righteousness which is unvarying and ever the same is one's true everlasting brother. Righteousness is Divine.  "Dhaya sakhaa" (Compassion is friend). There is no greater quality than compassion. It is compassion, which redeems human life. Whether one is a deity or a demon, compassion alone can ennoble him. Hence, one's true friend is ­-compassion. "Shaanthih pathni" (Peace is wife). One cannot have a greater wife than peace. Peace is the greatest blessing. Today because there is no peace in the minds of people, the world is plunged in conflict. Peace verily is divine. "Kshama Puthraah" (Forbearance is the son). People believe that the son will help them in this world. But it is not a son who redeems a person. God is the only redeemer. Forbearance is a divine quality Whoever possesses it has a worthy son.

Points to Ponder:   
Who are the six true relations?
