2008: All are One; Be Alike to Everyone

Summaries of the discourses of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba on New year and Yudagi  1987 to 2009.


You are truly born, on the day you begin your journey to realize your true identity—Divinity.


2008: All are One; Be Alike to Everyone


Man needs several objects in this world; yet, none of them is permanent. All are like passing clouds. What you think permanent in this world is, in fact, impermanent. Hence, one has to strive to achieve that which is permanent, real and eternal.  Suppose you wear a particular dress and stand before a mirror. You will find the same reflection in the mirror. Similarly, your own thoughts and feelings reflect in the outside world. Everything is reaction, reflection, and resound. Your own life style is reflected in the outside world. Whatever you speak comes back to you as a reply. Unable to realise this truth, a human being laments, “wherever I see, I find only human beings; I am not able to find God”.


Today, all our education, words, and speech are only artificial. There is something deeper, which forms the basis for everything. That is fundamental truth. It does not come under the realm of education. It is ‘educare’.  Education is worldly, whereas “educare” is other-worldly. Educare is not something that can be seen with the naked eye. It lies in the depth of our heart. It has to be brought out by conscious effort.

Human beings may be of different hues, but the bliss they experience in their hearts is only one. We must aspire for that bliss, disregarding individual differences. The differences are only temporary. Divinity is only one; it assumes different forms in different ages. Lord Vishnu donned different Avatars in the Kritha Yuga (Age). The same Lord came as Lord Rama in Tretha and Lord Krishna in Dwapara Yugas. The same divine principle (GOD) is referred to as Brahma (The Generator), Vishnu (The Organiser) and Maheswara (The Destroyer). The different names are ascribed for the purpose of identification.  


Treat all human beings alike. By doing so, all people will be happy. Good and bad; pleasure and pain, everything must be faced with a sense of equanimity. That is the foremost duty of a human being. The human mind is susceptible to several changes, on account of the food one eats and the company keeps.  Love all! It is easy to love someone, but quite difficult to hate. If you love others, there will be unity among you. All will become one. Where there is unity, there will be purity. Where there is purity, there Divinity will be. Hence, if you wish to attain Divinity, you must develop unity. And, for achieving unity, people should shed their narrow-mindedness.


A divine person will have divine power. In fact, you all possess divine power. There is not a single human being without divine power. But no one is aware of their innate divine power.  


Points to Ponder


Why do people go to holy places and pray? For what purpose?



