
Showing posts from August, 2011

1994: Cultivate Forgiveness and Love

Summaries of the discourses of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba on New year and Yudagi  1987 to 2009. You are truly born, on the day you begin your journey to realize your true identity—Divinity.   1994: Cultivate Forgiveness and Love In this worldly life love is manifesting in several forms such as the love between mother and son, husband and wife, and between relatives. This love based on physical relationships arises out of selfish motives and self-interest. But the love of the Divine is devoid of any trace of self-interest. It is love for the sake of love alone. This is called Bhakthi (devotion). One characteristic of this love is to give and not to receive. Secondly, love knows no fear. Thirdly, it is only for love's sake and not for selfish motive. All these three angles of love jointly cannot Prapatthi (Surrender). When one revels in this attitude of Prapatthi, one experiences the bliss of the Divine. For this, the prime requisite is Kshama (forgiveness). Kshama cannot be l...

Secrets of the Sacred Sun

Aditya Hridayam chant synchronised with simple English Translation for easy learning.