Oneness with Divinity

Five + Four + One = ONE! by KE Seetha Ram Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba’s (Swami’s) enlightening discourses offers insights for realizing the innate divinity in all of us. This article aims to succinctly summarize and elicit an equation from Swami’s discourses on how engaging ourselves in Sathya Sai activities would efficiently take us on the journey towards the realization of this Oneness . FIVE (Faith in GOD IS) The body with the five sense organs, made up of the five elements, is like an armour. The mind is the basis for this body and the cause of all worldly activities and experiences. A body without the mind is like a school without a teacher, a crop withering for lack of water, and an electric wire without the current--utterly useless and lifeless. Swami reminds us to engage the body in activities that turn the mind inward. First, we must nurture good thoughts. Good thoughts are charged with immense power, purity and divinity. They are life-giving, life-sustainin...